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May 2021 - Justin McMorries


About Justin:

Justin joined the Platinum team in July of 2020. As an accomplished welder, Justin works tirelessly to assemble our Vapor Recovery Units to ensure client deadlines are met. Recently, Justin took over the role as Warehouse Manager for our Midland shop.

Nomination Remarks:

  • Justin continuously goes out of his way to make sure everyone has what they need to do their job well, and safe. Additionally, while this nomination is technically for May, in the past 6-9 months he has drastically changed how the warehouse operates in terms of shipping/receiving, organization, and overall efficiency. There has also been no project or task that Justin hasn’t tackled enthusiastically – he constantly sets the example for what a “Team Player” at Platinum should look like.

Justin's Favorite Jams:

Enter Sandman by Metallica

Ballad of a Southern Man by Whiskey Myers

Lose Yourself by Eminem


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